Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Challenged Athletes Foundation (CAF) is amazing!

The Challenged Athletes Foundation (CAF) raises money to help people with physical disabilities pursue an active lifestyle through physical fitness and competitive athletics. For more information on CAF visist: http://www.challengedathletes.org/

Through the generous grant program for individuals with physical disabilities, the following Arizona Heat athletes were able to receive brand new adaptive equipment:

Troy Davis - handcycle
Erik Hightower - handcycle
Mike Fleming - handcycle
David Ryberg - racing chair
Mike Tagliapietra - racing chair
Gavin Warren - racing chair
Ty Kachanuk - racing chair
Elysse Power - racing chair
Rachel Kroener - basketball wheelchair
Austin Alcorn - recumbent cycle
Evie Boone - recumbent cycle

The total grant amount for the Arizona Heat athletes is over $25,000!!! CAF is amazing!