Arizona Disabled Sports was represented by 11 athletes from the Arizona Heat cycling team at the 2010 El Tour de Tucson in Tucson, Arizona on November 20th. Congratulations to the following 8 athletes that completed the 40 mile event! Troy Davis - 2:54:51, Mike Tagliapietra - 3:02:34, Lamar Ryberg - 3:08:49, Stephen Binning - 3:54:08, Gavin Warren – 4:33:18, Ben Swanson – 4:35:23, Linden Aitken – 5:08:44, Travis Oldhouser – time not posted. Forty miles is no small feat, congratulations on a job well done! AzDS also had 3 athletes compete in the 6 mile race - congratulations to Austin Alcorn, Evie Boone and Maurice Valeriano!