The AzDS Track Team took to the streets at the Arizona Distance Classic Half Marathon in Tucson on Sunday, March 27th. The results as follows:
Racing Chair Division
1. Jordan Bird (U of A) – 51:45
2. Shirley Reilly (U of A) – 53:47
3. Grant Berthiaume (U of A) – 56:01
4. Zach Abbott (U of A) – 1:04:46
5. Lamar Ryberg (AzDS) – 1:06:14
6. Mason Odom (AzDS) – 1:16:57
7. Stephen Binning (AzDS) – 1:23:52
Handcycle Division
1. Sean Eres (U of A) – 53:25
2. Derek Brown (U of A) – 53:26
3. Troy Davis (AzDS) – 53:40
4. Steven Klorer (U of A) – 1:02:33
5. Art Odom (AzDS) – 1:26:51