Tuesday, April 5, 2011

AzDS Track Team at the AZ Distance Classic Half Marathon

The AzDS Track Team took to the streets at the Arizona Distance Classic Half Marathon in Tucson on Sunday, March 27th. The results as follows:

Racing Chair Division
1. Jordan Bird (U of A) – 51:45
2. Shirley Reilly (U of A) – 53:47
3. Grant Berthiaume (U of A) – 56:01
4. Zach Abbott (U of A) – 1:04:46
5. Lamar Ryberg (AzDS) – 1:06:14
6. Mason Odom (AzDS) – 1:16:57
7. Stephen Binning (AzDS) – 1:23:52

Handcycle Division
1. Sean Eres (U of A) – 53:25
2. Derek Brown (U of A) – 53:26
3. Troy Davis (AzDS) – 53:40
4. Steven Klorer (U of A) – 1:02:33
5. Art Odom (AzDS) – 1:26:51