Arizona Disabled Sports was honored to be selected as one of the beneficiaries of the 55th Annual Cliff Garrett Charity Rodeo by Honeywell on Saturday, November 5th.
Honeywell selected the power soccer program provided by Arizona Disabled Sports to be the lucky recipient of the proceeds from the rodeo and all we had to do was provide volunteer support for the event. AzDS board members, staff and dedicated volunteers arrived to the Western Saddle Club in Phoenix prepared with shovels to help with clean-up and were lucky to only have to pick-up trash around the arena.
On Tuesday, December 20th, AzDS was presented with a large check for $15,121.92. This amazing donation will support the program fees for the three power soccer teams provided by AzDS including team uniforms and warm-up jerseys, updated equipment, travel expenses and local tournament fees. Thank you to Ernie Gammons, Rodeo Chairman and the entire committee of Honeywell employees for their dedication and commitment to supporting the community. Thank you to the Trujillo family for their hard work to bring AzDS to the attention of Honeywell for this event.