AzDS was very excited when 815 racers showed up for the 3rd Annual Run, Walk and Roll held on Saturday, January 7th at the Tempe Beach Park. Once the sun came up, it was a beautiful Arizona day for a race. Biggest Loser Season 5 winner, Ali Vincent supported the event for the 3rd year and also brought along the Biggest Loser Season 12 winner, John Rhode. Ali and John promoted the event on Channel 12 EVB Live and Channel 3 Morning news, motivated the start line and then raced in the 10K.
Also joining them in the 10K was Mesa Councilmember Dave Richins. Fifty-one individuals participated in the "Roll" division including racing wheelchairs, hand-cycles, recumbent cycles and more!
All of the racers received a goodie bag and refreshments from Sunflower Farmers Market and a commemorative technical event shirt. Over 30 vendor booths lined the beach park including sponsors Will2Walk Foundation, Barrow Connection, Climatec and Arizona Lottery. Mrs. Arizona America 2011, Lori Skutnik assisted Raceplace Events to distribute award medals and gifts to the top three male and female winners in each division. Morning DJ, Matthew Blades from Mix 96.9 of Clear Channel Radio performed as M.C. of the event while Clear Channel and KNIX excited the venue and water station 5 with music.
Event photos and results can be found at
Follow the event on Facebook - and save the date for the 2013 event to be held on Saturday, January 5th at the Tempe Beach Park.
You can get involved as a committee member for this event by contacting Lane Jeppesen at