Lamar Ryberg - 2:35:37
Troy Davis - 2:52:57
Kennard Hibler - 4:04:44
Ben Swanson - 4:51:48
Gavin Warren - DNF due to mechanical errors
Travis Oldhouser - DNP due to health
Way to go to our 5 athletes that also rocked the 6 mile ride which trained at the cycling sessions hosted at El Dorado Park in Scottsdale; Austin Alcorn, Evie Boone, John Countryman, Marc Neilson, & Michelle Nguyen.
AzDS is proud of each and every one of you. We look forward to next year in hopes we'll have more competitors to join us in the fun with AZ Heat cycling team! --- Also, don't forget out volunteers & supporters --- Thank you! We couldn't have done it without you.